
ASML's leadership framework

Everyone can be a leader. Whether you hold a management position or not, you can always show leadership. However, if you hold a management position within ASML, you are expected to show this leadership behavior.

Through this framework we share how we view leadership at ASML, what we expect from our leaders and how we support you in developing as a leader. Keeping in mind that leadership is always contextual and situational. Meaning that you adapt the four roles into your personal leadership situation and business context.

What a Role Model owns

You lead by example, you readily ask for help and/or feedback from others, you have a vision and aren’t afraid to get to the heart of issues, and you take care of yourself in terms of physical, social-emotional, and mental well-being.

What a Coach owns

You connect each individual employee, you support your employees while also focusing on their personal development, and you also build trust by being genuinely supportive.

What a Business Leader owns

Even though you have a deep understanding of the company’s business model and technology, you are still eager to continuously enrich your knowledge. You take ownership by also looking beyond the boundaries of your own area, and establish meaningful relationships with partners.

What a People Leader owns

You create an inclusive setting in which employees perform at their best, but also provide a clear case for change and support your team. Under your leadership, your team members can trust that you will act with integrity, and take mistakes as learning opportunities.

Dalen Wu

Re-use DepartmentManager15 years at ASML

Step forward, align yourself with your team members, and let them believe that ASML truly encourages everyone to voice their thoughts!

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Under ASML’s leadership framework, “Role Model” perfectly reflects my leadership style. For me, creating a friendly and open environment where diverse members can bravely express different opinions is paramount. I delve into understanding the unique characteristics of each team member, building a foundation of mutual trust, and pinpointing blind spots at the right moments – a true embodiment of ASML's core values.

Besides, understanding that employees expect leaders to advocate for them and demonstrate ASML's commitment to open communication, I strive to lead by example. This ensures that everyone can ”Show Courage” and confidently speak up with well-thought-out answers when faced with uncertainty, fostering continuous self-reflection and growth.

For the industry talents, the encouragement is to embrace continuous self-growth, daring to venture into uncharted territories. Maintain an open mind to absorb knowledge, and when faced with challenges, adhere to the principles of 'listen more, observe more, and ask more' to showcase your curiosity to the world!

Jeffrey Ho

Global Support CenterDUV Group Lead16 years at ASML

Learn to step on the brakes, guide your team members to find their own solutions, and unleash their potential!

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How do I lead my team like a Coach? My leadership style is characterized by gentle guidance, allowing team members to understand their own challenges. For instance, I will invite members who have a slower learning pace to join me for a coffee chat, creating a relaxed and comfortable environment where they can openly express themselves. To avoid providing explicit guidance from a managerial perspective, I am well aware of when to apply the brakes, and this enables my team members to recognize issues on their own. This level of attentive care ensures that each member maintains continuous motivation through self-discovery.

Furthermore, I leverage the ASML leadership framework to broaden the team's perspectives. I invested almost a year in training, and allowed different coaches to peer-coach me. This not only facilitates my continuous improvement but also serves as a constant reminder to infuse suitable leadership qualities into my style. Most importantly, by mastering the art of listening and making decisions that align with the team's direction, we can maximize the team's collective potential!

Victor Huang

HMI D&EGroup Lead14 years at ASML

Delve into understanding the unique characteristics of different team members, and help them find the right direction to shine on their own stages!

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Given ASML's rich opportunities for employees to showcase their talents, my mission as a "People Leader" is to help team members find stages where they can truly shine. Throughout my managerial journey, when faced with responsible team members struggling to progress, I engage in regular conversations, identifying the root causes and assisting them in achieving a balance between work and life. My aim is to empower each individual to operate at their optimal state in a rhythm that suits them.

Learning how to apply leadership in day-to-day tasks has been a significant aspect of my role as a supervisor. I encourage my team members to take different perspectives into consideration, employ a coaching approach that enables them to understand how to communicate with key stakeholders and find solutions acceptable to all sides. This transformation not only enhances the team's flexibility in problem-solving and improves their communication and negotiation skills, but also ensures that customer and departmental needs are met, so as to create a synergy where 1+1 becomes greater than 2, and the results are achieved with greater efficiency!

Ethan Chiu

SalesAccount Manager19 years at ASML

Helping customers understand our Products, ensuring the team identifies Process bottlenecks, and acquiring valuable information through People – these are the three crucial elements in my role!

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Throughout my 19 years at ASML, I've had multiple opportunities to rotate between different departments based on my interests. During each transition, I proactively learn new things from senior colleagues and inevitably engage with various internal and external stakeholders. Such experiences have allowed me to leverage my strengths in different fields.

This work pattern has significantly contributed to my personal growth. As a core member of the business department, my role demands a clear presentation of product value to customers, involving a deep understanding of different products, processes, and people. Through transitioning between various roles, I've been able to connect with talents from diverse fields, understand the interests of different departments, and, in my role as a manager, provide a more comprehensive perspective to the entire team.

Over the past 3-5 years, I've taken on challenging assignments that I couldn't have imagined before. This necessitated learning at a faster pace than expected. However, I firmly believe that “giving that extra effort” is the key to continuous personal growth and a way to showcase one's potential to everyone!

Alex Lin

Global Operation CenterShift Lead2 years at ASML

Learning to find common ground amid differences and narrowing cognitive gaps – that's the key to resolving challenges!

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ASML's work environment is inherently diverse, which allows me to embrace differences in language, culture, and age. In the GOC department, where the majority of stakeholders come from outside Taiwan, we recognize the need to adopt a mindset that embraces diversity. Despite the varied responsibilities and roles within our units, I encourage the team to actively understand the stances of different responsibilities and roles through different interactions, so as to foster mutual awareness.

I strive to let go of unconscious biases, keenly observing whether team members harbor unconscious prejudices. We motivate everyone to express themselves objectively. In such a diverse environment, understanding and respecting each other's differences become paramount. Through open communication, we work towards creating a culture of inclusivity and mutual learning, allowing each member to unleash their full potential and collaboratively address more complex challenges!